Asset Type for uHoo Integrations

Create a New Asset Type for uHoo integrations


Last Update 2 months ago

One of the biggest advantages of Infodeck is its ability to combine all different asset and data information on a single platform, organizing them into separate tabs for various management purposes.

Let's start by creating a new "Asset Type".

  1. Click the settings icon in the bottom-left corner.
  2. Select "Asset Type".
  3. Click "Create Asset Type".

Select "New Type of IoT-enabled Asset" in the pop-up window.

Enter a Name and an optional Description, then click "Next".

Design the Codec. This step is to confirm your Codec for what to display. Once confirmed, click Next.

"If you're unsure how to design the Codec, Infodeck also offers Professional Services for integration and testing. Drop us an email to support@infodeck.io, and we will assist you shortly."

The next page is 'Encode Codec.'"

Design the "Properties" and upload your display icon if you have any specific visual requirements."

If you've done it correctly, you should see a result similar to the sample screenshot below. 

You can also use this step to change the display language to fit your local requirements or adjust the measurement units. However, make sure your Codec is designed accordingly.

Let's create the "Actions".

If your IoT-enabled assets support download link control actuators, you can use this step to input the payload.

You can also click the 'i' information icon to access Advanced Mode with fPort.

Click "Create"

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